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Electroacupuncture uses current through two needles to help an area of injury heal faster and to reduce pain.


Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineMoxibustion involves the heating of acupuncture points with smoldering mugwort herb (known as moxa). Considered a thermal therapy, moxibustion stimulates circulation, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment. It has a strong smell so please let us know if you have sensitivities to odors.


Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineCupping is an ancient technique, used in many cultures, in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction or partial vacuum draws superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body. Cupping brings fresh blood to the area and helps improve circulation. Cupping has been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues.

Traditional cupping, sometimes referred to as "fire cupping," uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups. In modern times, cups that use a small pump to create suction have also been introduced.

See the CBS News story, "'Cupping' Takes the Pain Away" for more about cupping.


Guasha is a traditional ancient Chinese healing technique that dates back over two thousand years for promoting qi (vital energy) and blood circulation as well as the removal of toxic heat and stagnant blood from the body. Guasha is the scraping of an area of skin with a smooth instrument until a "Sha" rash or petechiae is surfaced.  In Chinese, Gua means to scrape or rub; Sha is a reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash (aka petechiae). Sha is the term used to describe Blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue before and after it is raised as petechiae. Guasha can provide drug-free relief from back, neck, leg and shoulder pain. It can also relieve some women’s problems such as period pain, lack of periods, insufficient lactation, and climacteric syndrome.







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