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Franciska Anderson

Like many of you, I've had my own health challenges, all of which inform my work in the healing arts. Here are some of the majors:

  • Years of struggling with digestive issues
  • Years of headaches, including migraines
  • An aggressive form of Breast Cancer at the age of 40
  • Shingles on my face and in my eye, nearly costing me my sight
  • Anxiety, depression, and insomnia

When I was in my twenties, I was blessed to have worked for the Father of Enzyme Nutrition, Dr. Howard F. Loomis, Jr. He healed my gut using enzymes and herbs and helped me understand why I was feeling so crummy. With that knowledge came the enlightenment: I needed enzymes to help me digest food! Probiotics are only a piece of the digestive puzzle but digestive enzymes were the key! When the center of the body--digestion--goes to heck, everything else follows.

Among many projects, Dr. Loomis and I collaborated on a book together, ENZYMES: The Key to Health. I was his editor and project manager for 7 years until my soul told me that I needed to help people. With Dr. Loomis as my inspiration, I went to school to study acupuncture and Asian Medicine, one of the earliest forms of Functional Medicine. Read more about my credentials below. I continue to rely on the principles of healing the body that Dr. Loomis bestowed on me.

I have learned so much from him, with a major guiding principle as it isn't so much about the illnesses, stressors, or having bad things happen (because stress is going to happen); it is more about how you get through it that matters. Resiliency...that's the secret.

How do you become more resilient? How do you heal from digestive dysfunction? How do you face a dire diagnosis? Come in for an appointment and we can talk about how you are feeling and what your health concerns are. I will share what I have learned, explain the "what, why, where, and how" of the stressors at work on you, and develop a strategy to get your health turned around.



  • State of Wisconsin Certification as an Acupuncturist
  • National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), Diplomate in Acupuncture

Education and Special Training:


  • Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Acupuncture Specialist (first in Wisconsin)
  • Advanced Esoteric Acupuncture Practitioner
  • Advanced Digestive Health Specialist


  • 2014 President’s Award, Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce, Oregon, Wisconsin
  • 2011 Commitment to Excellence Award, Loomis Institute Clinical Outcomes Study, Loomis Institute 12th Annual Conference, Branson, Missouri

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