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Products We Carry

Herbal and Enzyme Supplements
We use Loomis Enzymes, formulated for health care professionals for one-on-one consultations with patients. These formulas are very specific in their actions and therefore each patient receives a careful evaluation before these supplements are dispensed. For more information on Loomis Enzymes supplements, please see their website.

Fran had the very special privilege of working for Dr. Howard F. Loomis, founder and former owner of Enzyme Formulations, Inc., for 7 years full-time as his editor, project coordinator, print and label buyer, and assistant for marketing and advertising.

We also carry D-Hist and some other Ortho Molecular Products.

Need Enzymes? Other Supplements?

Please call or email us and we will get back to you within one business day. If we don't have your product in stock we can usually get it within 2-4 days. You can then pick up your products at the clinic or we can have them shipped to you.

Additional Supplements
We can order the following lines of products and supplements:
-Real Mushrooms, a line of 100% organic mushrooms to support immune function
-Professional line of Nordic Naturals
-Great Lakes Gelatin products, Collagen Hydrolysate and Gelatin

Fullscript: Online Dispensary

In an effort to provide more high-quality supplements at the convenience of our patients, we have partnered with FullScript, an online dispensary, which ships supplements directly to you. If you are interested in this option and are currently a patient of the clinic, please contact us for more information.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Ear Seed Kits for Self-Care

Ear acupressure has been used for thousands of years. Also called auriculotherapy, ear acupressure and ear acupuncture are being used around the world to help with pain management, addiction, and PTSD. The practice is not new but access to the tools (like ear seeds) is getting easier. Click on this affiliate link to find out more about ear seeds:

There are kits for many conditions. I have generated some links for the specific pages below.

Back pain and sciatica:…/back-pain-and-sciatica/…/



Insomnia and sleep:…/sleep-and-insomnia/…/



The kits come with good instructions and are easy to use. 

When I have used ear seeds on patients, they report a decrease in their symptoms for the time that they use the ear seeds.

I recommend wearing them on one ear at a time. Use them for 3-4 days, then remove them to prevent too much irritation to the skin. Put new seeds in your other ear and wear for another 3-4 days. I am an affiliate of so please use the above links when ordering.

Custom Orthotics from Fastech

We have received training to create custom orthotics. What part of your body suffers the most physical stress day in and day out? If you guessed your feet, you’re right! Whether you are walking a mile, running a marathon, playing a game of golf, or just standing a lot at work, proper foot support can make all the difference. Our office offers Fastech custom orthotics to help you avoid injury, return to play sooner and improve your overall health. Get yours today at our office. Ask us for more information or check out their website.


"The role of nutrition and
enzyme replacement therapy
is not to treat disease,
but to prevent disease."
~ Dr. Howard F. Loomis, Jr., DC
Loomis Institute of Enzyme Nutrition and Enzyme Formulations, Inc. 








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