Source of Stress (SOS) Examination by Loomis
This modality is a wonderful complement to Western medicine, but it is not a substitute for it. If you think you have a serious, undiagnosed problem, you need to see a primary care physician. We cannot diagnose and treat something medically serious. We can provide complementary care for conditions that require a physician’s attention; however, we need you to take responsibility for your own health.
The Loomis Digestive Health Evaluation is the work of Howard F. Loomis, Jr., DC, FIACA. Dr. Loomis has combined the work of food enzyme pioneer, Edward Howell, MD, with his many years of clinical experience to develop this insightful and physiologically based exam.
There is a vitalistic premise in Asian Medicine (and other modalities like chiropractic) that the body possesses an innate intelligence to heal and maintain itself when it is given the proper amounts of air, water, nutrients, and exercise. When it goes out of balance and begins to have symptoms, it is our goal as practitioners of the healing arts to identify those organs that are struggling to do their part for the maintenance of internal balance (called homeostasis).
These appointments look for the root cause of your health concerns. All health problems have a common origin - STRESS! Stress fits into three categories, generally:
- Physical (or mechanical) stress: Injuries from sports, car accidents, falls, etc.
- Chemical (or nutritional) stress: Food, drink, toxins, smoking, too much sugar, cleaning supplies, heavy have contact with it, it fits here.
- Emotional (or mental) stress: The category that most everyone thinks of as being stress. Jobs, family, kids, money, death of loved ones...all of this takes a toll.
This examination allows us to find out how you and your body are handling the stress of life. We will look at posture, range of motion, muscle contraction, digestive difficulties and more to give you insight into the root causes of your dys-function!
The initial exam takes time so please plan on being in the clinic for at least one hour. We recommend bringing someone with you to hear everything that is said at this important first appointment. A lot of information is given so it is useful to have a second set of ears to hear everything!
Here are a few additional things we want you to do or be aware of:
- Spend some time thinking about what you would like to achieve. What are your expectations? What questions or concerns do you have? Jot down a few notes to bring with you to your first visit. The more openly we can communicate, the better we can help you.
- Be patient with yourself by being realistic. If you have several conditions or symptoms you would like to address, please rank them. On your first visit, we will ask you primarily about your chief complaint. Secondary issues will also be noted and addressed as treatment progresses. It has taken you a while to get where you are; it will take time and lifestyle changes to get you back to health.
- Once your start taking supplements and doing the assigned exercises, start noticing how you feel each day and make a few notes. With respect to your chief complaint, try to answer these questions: When did this condition first appear? Is this a new condition or a recurring illness? What brought it on? What triggers it? Is your condition getting worse? To what degree does it interfere with your daily routine, work or sleep? What aggravates it? What provides relief? What time of day does it bother you the most? the least? Be as descriptive and specific as possible.
On the Day of Your Examination
The following suggestions are provided to help you have a productive appointment. Please read this section carefully. If you have any questions, please contact me prior to your first visit.
- It is best to eat a meal within 2 hours prior to your visit. Please do not come in fasting unless you are specifically asked to do so.
- Set aside enough time so that you are not rushing to and from your visit. Please schedule your activities on the day of your visit accordingly.
- Bring a notebook if you would like to take notes. You will be learning a lot about things that you can be doing to help yourself.
- If possible, please wear loose comfortable clothing. No jeans, please. You will be taking off your shoes so please wear socks if your feet get cold easily.
What to Expect
For the evaluation, I will perform a postural exam first that involves times when you will be standing, sitting, laying face-down, and then face-up. I will be doing some orthopedic exams to evaluate how well your joints are moving and where you are having restrictions. These restrictions help to identify areas where your body is not moving appropriately and where your musculoskeletal system is having problems that need to be addressed. In Asian Medicine, we look at this as being a problem with your ability to move Qi and Blood.
The next step will be a head-to-toe palpation examination where I will be using my hands to palpate for muscle contraction on or around specific acupuncture points. These muscle contractions will help me identify what your body is doing to try to maintain its internal balance and what you potentially will need for nutritional support in the form of herbs and enzymes. Dietary modification will also be a part of this strategy.
Once the evaluation is over, we will go over your results together and come up with a treatment strategy that will get you to where you want to go with your health goals. I will compile a Report of Findings with a final assessment and recommendations for exercises, nutritional supplementation, dietary modification, additional modalities (like acupuncture), and referrals to other practitioners for additional care or evaluation. Because lifestyle is so important to healing, a visit with our health coach is included with an initial case review. She will review my recommendations about lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. She will help you integrate these changes into your life.
Once treatment is agreed upon, always report any problems you have with supplements, herbs, or other treatment. Different people react differently to the same treatment. It is possible for me to properly manage your care only if you tell me about difficulties you are having, or if supplements are not effective or causing you discomfort.