Now Offering: Telehealth
As the world around us changes as we know it, the most important thing still remains our health.
In order to shift with the changing times to continue serving my existing patients with the best treatments and care, I am now taking bookings for virtual sessions.
What is telehealth or a virtual visit? We give you all the wonderful care that you've been used to receiving but it's in front of a screen. During these 30- or 60-minute sessions, we will go over how you are doing, what symptoms you are experiencing, and come up with a plan to meet your needs. In lieu of acupuncture, I'll empower you with self-care tools and options for care like acupressure, qi gong exercises, deep breathing, meditation, nutritional guidance, herbal and enzyme supplements, or simply connecting in a supportive conversation.
Not only are these treatments effective for continued care during a time of isolation, but they are also extremely valuable to those who are sick or have pressing matters in need of treatment with limited access to Western medicine. If you are experiencing high amounts of anxiety/depression, sleep issues, or digestive issues, I can help you with specific protocols. Herbal and enzyme formulas can be drop-shipped directly to you.
Please keep me in mind to help with your health and well-being during this uncertain time. This option is currently only available to existing patients of Pivotal Point who live in Wisconsin.
Now more than ever, we need to prioritize our health and healing!
Book now for a 60-minute session.
More details will follow in an email when you schedule your appointment.