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Patient Testimonials

I am so grateful for Fran’s deep knowledge and passion and care of me over the recent months. When I came to see her it was a challenging time physically and physiologically for me, but after consulting with Fran on numerous occasions, she outlined our game plan.

Fran has a down to earth personality and highly professional knowledge of how the human body optimally functions. She explains things in ways I can understand - that’s a true sign that someone genuinely cares!

Fast forward: The formulated enzymes Fran dispensed have made a huge impact in my everyday life...from how my gut feels after eating a daily meal to sleeping efficiently at night to mentally being happier. For years I became skeptical about eating due to the after effects. Having had chemotherapy and radiation for 15 months and a host of other anti-cancer medications, my gut and other organs were terribly out of balance.

I knew Fran was my “go-to” expert. After one week of enzymes I felt a significant difference how I felt after meals. I even wake up hungry!! My metabolism has recharged and I feel like a new woman! I have a long way to go until things are fully corrected, but I’m excited to feel progress every week.

I can’t find words to thank Fran enough for saving me from worse outcomes or conditions for that matter had I not seen her. She knows her “stuff’ WELL, and I wouldn’t see anyone other than Fran!!  ~ J.A., Brooklyn, WI

"I am a 64-year-old woman who had a 30-year history of severe heartburn uncontrolled by massive doses of prescription antacids, supplemented by no
less than a bottle of Tums every two weeks just to keep the heartburn in check. Physicians ignored my pleas for any solution possible, refusing to do an endoscope to diagnose any ulcerations or esophageal damage. Their solution
was simply to raise my dose of ranitidine which never made any difference in
the severity of the burning.

My first visit to Fran was because of a knee injury I sustained, in hopes of increasing my mobility. When she noticed the amounts of antacids I was taking, she was truly shocked at the high dose and the number of years I had been on these medications. She was the first person ever to take notice of this ongoing problem and the damaging effects they were doing to my body. Her knowledge
of the physiology of the body and how these medications work against the natural functioning of the GI tract were truly amazing.

Within a 6-week period of time using enzymes and an adjustment in my diet,
my heartburn has been eliminated completely and I'm finally free of carting my Tums with me wherever I go. Without having had my knee problem, I know I'd still be held hostage to the antacids and continuing through life thinking there would never be a solution.

Fran's knowledge of physiology was astounding to me having been a nurse for 40 years. Realizing that a holistic approach to our health is such a superior solution to medications is now ingrained in me for the remainder of my life. Thank you, Fran, for caring so much and never giving up on me. You were a gift given to me at a pivotal point in my life.”  ~ M.Y., Stoughton, WI

"As far back as I can remember I had leg pain. My mother tried everything but painkillers wouldn't help much if at all, and massage helped a little, but not for flare-ups. My doctors were puzzled and called it growing pains, but in my 20's that diagnosis no longer made sense. I had heard of acupuncture, but for some reason didn't think it was for me. I met Fran while I was working at the Firefly Coffeehouse, and she was studying there. She seemed very genuine, caring, and approachable. When I heard she started interning I decided to give it a try. It finally occurred to me that I didn't have to live in pain, and that I was willing to try something new.

After two or three visits I would walk in rating my pain at a 6 or 7, and leave at
3 or 4. After a few months of treatment including herbs I never rated it at over 3. After a few more months I considered myself cured. I still had pain when I was on my feet all day, but I no longer felt that I had any more pain than anyone else ever would. Then we started working on my anxiety and depression, and I'm surprised at how quickly I felt ready to taper off of my pharmaceuticals. Fran heals with such passion. It's so nice to walk into a treatment office and know that what you say will be heard and carefully considered. And she has four thousand years of accumulated knowledge to work with!" ~ K.P., Oregon, WI

"After 14 months of increasing muscle pain and decreasing mobility, acupuncture has done what months of doctors, MRIs, muscle and nerve tests could not do. Within the first two months of my treatments at Pivotal Point Acupuncture, my mobility has improved dramatically. I now recognize the power of acupuncture and Eastern medicine. Your passion for healing has inspired me to share my story with others who are struggling with muscle pain, stress or other physical challenges.

I can't thank you enough for your extraordinary care!! Anyone who is struggling
with pain, headaches, muscle pain, digestive disorders would benefit from your care. Thank you again!" ~ L.W. Stoughton, WI

"When I first walked into Pivotal Point Acupuncture, I felt it. Yes, finally after all
that searching, I had finally found the place. I had been so lost. I had been down many dead ends and circled around and back again only to find myself at the same place I had started. No wonder my feet ached and my calves were sore. Maybe I had to travel these paths to be ready for the truly amazing things that
I may not have been open to. I just knew when I saw Fran that she was going to be my guide, one of my people, to help me find my way through some seriously tough terrain. There was something so warm and smart and healing about Fran. I could feel her care and concern and huge heart.

What a perfect name for her practice "Pivotal Point" for it began the "leg" of my journey out of the swamp of darkness and back into the light of hope, joy, and energy. She got it and listened and knew just what to do to help me. She told me I had a long way to go, but she was going to give it her all and help me get through this hard part of my life's journey."  ~ P.R., McFarland, WI

"Have you ever been riding in a car and suddenly you get a feeling that you have to go to the restroom? This feeling makes you panic and you don't think that you can find a place in time. I had this feeling 8 out of 10 hours of every day. I did what most people do: I went to the doctor. After many visits and a lot of tests,
I was told that I have Irritable bowel syndrome. In the medical field they are great for writing a prescription and sending you on your way.

My condition got to the point that driving down the highway, I would have to pull over and run into a field or wooded area to go to the bathroom while my family waited in the car. I missed going places because of the fear this feeling would hit me and I would not make it on time.

One day a friend of mine gave me a card from Pivotal Point Acupuncture and told me to see Fran. I made an appointment and sat with Fran and we discussed my life and all its problems because of this condition.  Fran has a very good way of explaining what changes in a person's life need to take place. Fran is very passionate about helping people. She does not treat the symptom; she finds the cause and treats it.

I have learned a lot in a short period of time and Fran continues to monitor my many symptoms. I have told a lot of people about Pivotal Point Acupuncture and everybody that has gone to Fran and her staff has a great story of how their life has changed.

I believe that there are so many lives that could become wonderful if people would just walk through Pivotal Point's door."  ~ B.D., McFarland, WI 

"When my daughter Hannah was 8 or 9, I had her tested for allergies because she was always clearing her throat. The doctor told me it was not allergies, it
was a tic and she would grow out of it. Jump ahead to age sixteen, Hannah is
still clearing her throat. She started with Fran in March 2010. After the first appointment I heard a big improvement. Now after 6 to 8 appointments, the tic is all but gone. All in all it has been a great experience and "it didn't even hurt", said Hannah."  ~ S.L., Belleville, WI










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