by Ellen Evans, CHCYou Can Be Tobacco-Free!
November 17th is the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smoke Out.
This event started in 1970 when Arthur Mullaney of Randolph, Massachusetts, asked people to give up cigarettes for one day and donate the money to a scholarship fund. The idea spread to Minnesota in 1974 with their Don’t Smoke Day. In 1976 the California chapter of the American Cancer Society got 1 million smokers to quit for the day, marking the first official Cancer Society Smoke Out event. Meant to draw attention to the risks of tobacco, the Great American Smoke Out has led many smoke-free advocacy efforts.
Photo: Ellen finds an old cigarette machine. Yuck!
Nicotine is one of the strongest addictions there is. Quitting is hard. But you can do it! You can be a nonsmoker. I can help! Consider a smoking cessation package.
Pivotal Point offers three options to meet your individual needs:
- Acupuncture alone.
- Acupuncture with Health Coaching.
- Health Coaching alone.
Health coaching consists of four visits. At our first visit we will explore your reasons for smoking and quitting, and the barriers you may face and how to address them. If you feel ready, you may decide on a quit date. If you plan to take medication to help you quit, please see your medical provider for a prescription first. That way you can be ready to go when we meet. The follow up visits are shorter. At those visits we will see what is working and what is not. Then adjust your plan as needed.
Purchasing a package increases your chance for success. It shows commitment and gives accountability. Some people do find they need support for a longer period. If needed, additional appointments can be scheduled after you complete the package. Book a call with me here! If you would like to purchase a smoking cessation package, call the clinic at 608-835-9355 and we can get that set up for you.
by Ellen Evans, CHCDo You Want To Be More Active?
Do you keep thinking about exercise, but you can’t seem to get started? Many of us are busy and can’t find the time. Consider breaking up your activity into 2-3 sessions a day. For example, do you have 10 minutes during a break to go up a couple flights of stairs and 10 minutes after work to walk around the block the day care is on before picking up the kids? Could you march in place during a Zoom meeting for a while (you may want to turn off the video). Sneaking 2-3 short sessions of activity in may be easier to do than one 30-minute session, with all your work and home demands.
Everyone is different. If this tip is not helpful or time is not a barrier for you, then consider seeing a health coach for support, realistic goal setting, information, and safe planning. I'm Ellen Evans, NSHC certified health coach. I’ll meet you where you are. Not where someone thinks you should be. Book now
by Ellen Evans, CHCHi, my name is Ellen Evans. I am the new health coach at Pivotal Point.
Evidence based health coaching is a partnership between a client and a coach working toward a health behavior change. It taps into your own motivation and recognizes you are the true agent of change. As a health coach I guide self-management of health risks and chronic disease by helping you resolve mixed feelings about change and by providing support, realistic goal setting, information, and planning.
Have you been trying to make a change but feel stuck. Has Fran recommended making a lifestyle change to complement the work you are doing with her, but you don’t know where to begin? Book an appointment with me. I will meet you where you are on your journey. Not where someone else thinks you should be.

Thankful for Your Support!
I think I can safely say that has been a rough year for all of us.
As a small business owner AND practitioner, I am very thankful that Jackie and I have been able to get the clinic back up and running on June 1st with some protocol changes. Our schedule availability is nearly half of what it usually is but it is necessary to keep everyone safe.
Rooms that are occupied for long periods of time--like they are with acupuncture treatments--need to be ventilated for a certain amount of time to help minimize COVID spread.
Masks are being used. I am using a face shield regularly too. Jackie has a sneeze guard at the front desk.
We have had to forego hugging our patients. Right before we opened back up, I cried for a few hours about that. I mourned that connection that I have with my patients and felt as though part of the healing process was cut off. Of course, I would do anything to keep my peeps safe so it was a must but not being able to do this still hurt.
Overall, though, we were able to pivot...which makes the clinic name even more appropriate. We are still delivering great care; we are weathering COVID the best we can; and we are very thankful to be of service to you.
Take good care of yourself in these times. This too shall pass.
We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through the details of reopening the clinic to patients. We certainly have missed seeing you! We are working hard to keep our patients and our staff safe because health and safety are our top priorities.
We are reopening under the guidance of the regulating bodies that control the acupuncture profession and small business, including state and national organizations. As circumstances change, we will also update our procedures.
COVID-19 has changed how the clinic will operate. A general overview is offered first, followed by additional information for 1) Acupuncture and 2) Enzymes and Source of Stress Exams.
Preparing for your visit
Please read these office policies to understand your role in promoting a safe environment for us and others in our community.
- If you have any symptoms, such as a cough or fever, please reschedule.
- If a family member or a contact has these symptoms now or in the last 14 days, please reschedule.
- Please arrive on time.
- A mask is required in the clinic at this time. Please bring your own.
- Please do not bring people with you unless we have made prior arrangements.
- All patients will be required to fill out a COVID-19 Informed Consent form before arriving. If you have already set up your Patient Portal through our patient management software, you can navigate to this consent form in the appointment reminder email. If technical difficulties prevent you from finding the form, we will have you fill out the form at your next appointment.
- We will be doing a Screening Questionnaire before every appointment
- All services are by appointment only; no walk-ins will be allowed.
- Payments will be by phone and can be made before or after your appointment.
Here is what to expect in the clinic for procedural flow:
- The clinic doors (front and back) will be locked and unlocked strictly based on who is expected at the clinic. No walk-ins will be allowed. That means that we will not be selling products at the front desk; product orders will continue to be drop-shipped.
- Appointments will be staggered to limit the number of people in the common areas and allow for extra sanitation between appointments.
- You are asked to wait in your vehicle until 5 minutes before your appointment time. If you have a driver, that person will need to wait in the car or elsewhere for the duration of your appointment. Our waiting area is no longer available.
- Please do not carry in anything larger than a purse.
- As soon as you come in the door, please sanitize your hands at the sanitizer station near the door.
- Your temperature will be taken with touchless or sanitized equipment. Once cleared as normal, you will be escorted into your treatment room.
- Staff will be wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Patients will be asked to do so as well. Please bring your own mask. You will be provided a mask if you do not have one. The floors will be marked by tape to indicate 6’ distances.
- If you will not wear a mask because of a medical condition, please let us know in advance of your appointment. We reserve the right to reschedule you.
- After your treatment concludes, a staff member will escort you out of the building.
- Payments will be collected over the phone. We now have the capability of securely storing your credit cards. We will confirm the last four digits of the card that you would like to use and send you the receipts via email.
- As we continue to learn more about COVID-19, changes will more than likely occur.
We have implemented the following precautions to ensure your safety during your visit:
- A deep clean and sanitation of all areas has been done.
- All upholstered furniture items and waiting room materials (including water and cups) have been removed or covered with clean sheets.
- Stringent sanitation protocols will be adhered to between each client and throughout the day, using EPA-certified disinfectants.
- As usual, all linens will be changed between each client, including pillow and pillowcase.
- Acupuncture tables will be covered with a clean sheet to meet cleaning guidelines. Extra padding and heating pads have been removed.
We are booking acupuncture appointments and enzyme exams by phone for the first week or two, until we create a safe routine and iron out any wrinkles in procedures. Once we have an idea of how the days will unfold, we will open up online scheduling again. Appointment slots are limited because of the restrictions on the number of patients that can be in the clinic safely.
We have restrictions on all other accessory services we typically offer, including cupping, guasha, and moxibustion. We will not be offering these additional services at this time.
If you need enzymes, please call the clinic to place your order, ideally a week before you run out. We will be continuing to drop-ship orders until further notice. This is to minimize the number of patients in the clinic and reduce the need to decontaminate after every patient encounter.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding. Because we are licensed and regulated, we must follow all of the mandates being set for us to ensure the lowest risk and the greatest safety for all. We have a variety of patients, including patients going through chemo and in significant pain, so we all must do due diligence to provide for those who are potentially immunocompromised.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please let us know. We are just happy to get back to taking care of you.
As the world around us changes as we know it, the most important thing still remains our health.
In order to shift with the changing times to continue serving my existing patients with the best treatments and care, I am now taking bookings for virtual sessions.
What is telehealth or a virtual visit? We give you all the wonderful care that you've been used to receiving but it's in front of a screen. During these 30- or 60-minute sessions, we will go over how you are doing, what symptoms you are experiencing, and come up with a plan to meet your needs. In lieu of acupuncture, I'll empower you with self-care tools and options for care like acupressure, qi gong exercises, deep breathing, meditation, nutritional guidance, herbal and enzyme supplements, or simply connecting in a supportive conversation.
Not only are these treatments effective for continued care during a time of isolation, but they are also extremely valuable to those who are sick or have pressing matters in need of treatment with limited access to Western medicine. If you are experiencing high amounts of anxiety/depression, sleep issues, or digestive issues, I can help you with specific protocols. Herbal and enzyme formulas can be drop-shipped directly to you.
Please keep me in mind as a stable source for your health and well-being during this uncertain time. This option is currently only available to existing patients of Pivotal Point who live in Wisconsin.
Now more than ever, we need to prioritize our health and healing!
Besides all that, I miss my patients!!
by Franciska Anderson, MSOM, DiplAc (NCCAOM), LAc, Advanced LDHSEar Seed Kits for Self-Care
Ear acupressure has been used for thousands of years. Also called auriculotherapy, ear acupressure and ear acupuncture are being used around the world to help with pain management, addiction, and PTSD. The practice is not new but access to the tools (like ear seeds) is getting easier. Click on this affiliate link to find out more about ear seeds:
There are kits for many conditions. I have generated some links for the specific pages below.
Back pain and sciatica:…/back-pain-and-sciatica/…/
Insomnia and sleep:…/sleep-and-insomnia/…/
The kits come with good instructions and are easy to use. I feel this is a good interim care strategy while many of us in the alternative care field are closed. I am definitely worried about my patients losing ground.
At the very least, it is something to try. When I have used ear seeds on patients, they report a decrease in their symptoms for the time that they use the ear seeds.
I recommend wearing them on one ear at a time. Use them for 3-4 days, then remove them to prevent too much irritation to the skin. Put new seeds in your other ear and wear for another 3-4 days.
I signed up as an affiliate with the company so I will get a little money if you buy through these links.